Social determinants of health

On-time high school graduation

Adults completing some college, ≥25 years of age

Unemployment, ≥16 years of age


Children living in poverty, <18 years of age

Children in single-parent households, <18 years of age

Summary health measures

Premature death

Poor or fair health

Tobacco and alcohol

Adult smoking prevalence

Teen smoking prevalence, 9th-12th grade

Adult excessive drinking

Teen excessive drinking, 9th-12th grade


Teen obesity prevalence, 9th-12th grade

Adult obesity prevalence

Teens drinking ≥1 sugary drink daily, 9th-12th grade

Cardiovascular disease

Premature cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality rate per 100,000

Adult hypertension prevalence

Adult diabetes prevalence


New HIV diagnoses per 100,000

Teen sexual health

Teens who used condom with last sexual encounter, 9th-12th grade

Teens who used birth control with last sexual encounter, 9th-12th grade

Teen births per 1,000, 15-19 years of age

Maternal and infant health

Infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births

Low birth weight births

Child health

Children up to date on immunizations, 19-35 months of age

Child mortality rate per 100,000, <18 years of age

Access to care

Adults without insurance, 18-64 years of age

Children without insurance, <18 years of age

Adults forgoing care due to cost

Cancer screening and prevention

Adults with colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy in lifetime, 50+ years of age

Women with mammography in past 2 years, 50+ years of age

Girls completing 3-dose HPV vaccine, 13-17 years of age


Violent crime rate per 100,000

Homicide mortality rate per 100,000

Mental health and substance abuse

Teens considering suicide in past year, 9th-12th grade