The https:// in the address bar means your information is encrypted and can not be accessed by anyone else
Only government entities in the U.S. can end in .gov

Use buttons for actions. The default color for buttons is electric blue. The text is dark gray. The hover state is dark gray with white text. Icons can be added to provide further context for where the button’s link will take a user.

Use “See all” buttons at the end of any incomplete list, including news, notices, and services & information lists. This will indicate that the link will take the user to a complete list of that type of information.


To use a button on an anchor link, apply the button class. For consistent alignment across devices and browsers, use the valign and valign-cell utility classes to wrap the button label.

The margin classes in the example above mtm and mts are for in-page placement. They are not required.

Buttons are not required to be nested inside a row and column set, as in the above example, but an enclosing <div> is required.

<div class="row">
    <div class="columns medium-6 end">
        <a href="#" class="button full-width">Example button</a>
        <a href="#" class="button full-width sg-hover-example mtm">Hover</a>