The https:// in the address bar means your information is encrypted and can not be accessed by anyone else
Only government entities in the U.S. can end in .gov

Menus uses three types of menus to organize information.

The global navigation is the unifying element across all pages. The global navigation consists of the services drop-down menu and the search function, which help users orient themselves in the site architecture and provide them with access to all major areas of websites. It should be present on every page and, when implemented with the Standards JS, will be sticky, so that it remains available, even as people scroll.

The services menu makes a call to the WP REST API and will return a list of top-level services found on

Secondary menu

The secondary menu features top-level pages that can provide access to third-level navigation. Currently, the secondary level only functions as labels if subsidiary content is present. Secondary menus often function as a directory within an individual department’s site.

Secondary menus are dropdown menus when presented on medium screens or larger. On mobile devices, they collapse down to accordion-style menus.

Side navigation

Most of a site’s information architecture will likely be presented through side navigation, as shown on this page. The services are presented through the tertiary menu. Content may be so nuanced that a fourth level of navigation is required.

How to use

The type of menus needed for your project will vary depending on the complexity of the site’s information architecture. If you are unsure which menus to use for what contexts, you can contact for assistance.